Aims and Objectives

The African Child Agenda has been set up to address the needs of children and families of in the diaspora and those on the African continent. Our first initiative began in Ghana 2021, where we established a Saturday school for the children whilst we fund-raise for the full-time school to be built. Our aim is to educate 500 children per year in the area of (STEAML).
The School will be designed to educate children with key skills in.
- ScienceĀ
- Technology
- Engineering
- Arts
- Mathematics
- Languages
With the pilot being built in the Central region of Ghana (Winneba) allows children to have the space and freedom to not only explore local customs and culture, but be part of a new generation of leaders.

With the pilot being built we aim to spreat the Phoenix Academy of Excellence across the African Continent. With Zimbabwe, Tanzania, Zambia & Sierra-leone earmarked for branches.